- Xstamper CS10
- 10ml bottle
- 19 ink colours
- Compatible with Xstampers shown -
click here for other mount refills

Xstamper CS10 Stamp Refill Ink
Refills the stamp mounts shown in the main image - Xclamations, 3in1 Twist Stampers, N Series stamps, Kiss, Capless, & Clix stamps (pens).
- Ink type: CS-10N for Xstamper self-inking stamps (Xclamations, 3in1 Twist Stampers, N Series stamps, Kiss, Capless, Clix pens).
- Bottle size: 10ml.
- Number of refills: The number of refills depends on the stamp / impression size. Typically the bottle will refill a 22mm Xclamations mount 15-20 times.
- Storage: Store out of sunlight, away from heat with the lid secure.
- Manufacturer: Xstamper.
- Reinking process: View the Instructions tab.

TeacherTalk Article
Top tips to maximise your stamp - read our article on self-inking stamp usage and storage - Click here
This Xstamper CS10 refill ink will refill the following stamps - see refill instructions below:
- Xclamations 22mm round teacher stamp
- Kiss 9mm small / loyalty stamp
- Capless 9 small / loyalty stamp
- 3-in-1 twist 'n' stamp
- N series stamps e.g. N28, N27, N11, N10S, N10
- Clix stamper pen stamps
Please note that due to the manufacturing process of all these stamps, you CANNOT change the colour of your stamp by adding a different colour ink.
 | Xstamper Xclamations Refill Instructions: - Remove the stamp handle by pulling away the round header from the base. This reveals the tube which leads to the back of the ink pad.
- Apply just 3-4 drops of ink down the tube. This refreshes the pad which in turn inks the rubber.
- Reassemble the stamp.
- Leave the stamp in an upright position to allow complete absorption (approx. 12 hours).

Video: How to Refill a Self-inking Xclamations Teacher Stamp. Click here |
 | Xstamper 3 in 1 Twist Stamp Refill instructions: - Slide the stamp 'brick' out of the mount by holding the dial still in your left hand and slide stamp brick out of the holder by pushing against the end, away from you.
- Place the brick face down on a protected surface.
- Apply 3-4 drops of ink into the gap on the top side of the brick as illustrated.
- Leave the stamp in this position to allow complete absorption (approx. 12 hours).
- Reassemble the stamper.
Video: How to Refill a Self-inking Xstamper Twist, 3-in-1 Teacher Stamp. **Coming soon**
 | Xstamper Clix pen & Capless stamp instructions: - Clix pen - Stand and support the pen with the stamp face displayed. Capless stamp - push down on the casing so the stamp face is revealed.
- Apply 2-3 drops to the face of the stamp directly.
- Leave the stamp in this position to allow complete absorption (approx. 2 hours).
 | Xstamper N Series Stamp Refill instructions: - Pull the coloured handle away from the stamp base. This reveals the tube which leads to the back of the ink pad.
- Apply just drops of ink down the tube. Amount of ink depends on stamp size - N28/N27: 15-20 drops, N11/N10/N10s 10-15 drops. This refreshes the pad which in turn inks the rubber.
- Reassemble the stamp.
- Leave the stamp in an upright position to allow complete absorption (approx. 12 hours).
Video: How to Refill a Self-inking Xstamper N Series Teacher Stamp. **Coming soon**
 | Xstamper KISS Stamp Refill Instructions: - Remove the dust cap then pull the top and bottom of the mount apart.
- Pull the black stopper from the unit to reveal the ink pad (underside of the image).
- Remove the ink unit and place 2 to 3 drops of ink onto the pad.
- Return the ink unit to the mount.
- After re-inking, leave your stamp in an upright position to allow complete absorption (approx. 12 hours).

TeacherTalk Article
Top tips to maximise your stamp - read our article on self-inking stamp usage and storage - Click here
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